Dr Chris Bartley Frueh

B. Christopher Frueh, PhD is a clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii-Hilo. He has over thirty years of professional experience working with military veterans, servicemembers, special operators, and private defense contractors; and has conducted clinical trials, epidemiology, historical, and neuroscience research. He has co-authored over 300 scientific publications, including a graduate textbook on adult psychopathology. He has previously served as Professor at Medical University of South Carolina and Baylor College of Medicine.
His work on “Operator Syndrome” focuses on understanding and treating the complex set of interrelated health, psychological, and interpersonal difficulties that are common downstream outcomes of a career in military special operations. He is also now working with the firefighter community to help enhance their health, wellness, and performance. He devotes effort to the SEAL Future Foundation, HunterSeven Foundation, Boulder Crest Foundation, Military Special Operations Family Collaborative, The Mission Within, VETS, Inc., Special Operations Association of America, and to the military special operations and responder communities in general.
He has testified before US Congress, and served as a paid contractor for Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, US State Department, and the National Board of Medical Examiners. He has also published commentaries in the National Review, Huffington Post, New York Times, Time, Men’s Journal, and Special Operation Association of America; and has been quoted or cited in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Economist, Washington Post, Scientific American, New York Times, Stars and Stripes, USA Today, Men’s Health, Los Angeles Times, Reuter, Associated Press, and NBC News, among others.
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