Roger “Doc” Loesch

Roger Loesch joined in the USAF in 1992. He served as an Aircraft Weapons Troop for 15 years and loaded the F15E and F16 fighter aircraft before he had to medically retrain. For the last 5 years of his career, he served as a Command Post Controller and retired from the USAF in 2012. While in service he was able to finish his bachelor’s degree at Arizona State University and his 1st master’s degree in emergency management. After 20 years and three times around the world he settled in St Louis Missouri and worked for the American Red Cross. After a year of responding across the United States to multiple disasters his wife told him to come home because it was like he was deployed all over again. During this time frame he completed his 2nd master’s degree in public relations.
Once back in St Louis he was hired on to the USDA as the Rural Development Conference and Event Administrator. In 2021 he was on detail with Health and Human Services in San Diego for Operation Artemis. Operation Artemis was in support of the ongoing unaccompanied minors that have come across the border. This detail was a great opportunity for him to use his emergency management background and assist in the safety and reunification of these children and their family or sponsors here in the United States. Through this deployment he was also able to connect with many Veterans from other Federal Agencies and uses this network to increase Veteran Connectivity within the Federal Government. He is the current vice president of the USDA Veterans Employee Organization (VEO). Through his work as the VEO Vice President he helps the USDA in the recruitment, retention, and promotion of Veterans within the USDA. As a member of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® he is a key player in the outreach and charity events that the Association does throughout the year. He is highly active in many of the outstanding Veterans Organizations within the Las Vegas Valley and continues to promote the welfare of Veterans both personally and professionally.
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