Scott P. Maskery

Mr. Scott P. Maskery began his career with the USO as the Regional Vice President of the Indo-Pacific Region in June 2021. As Regional Vice President, he provides leadership and strategic direction to 24 USO Centers in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, mainland Japan, Okinawa, and Korea which includes 95 staff and over 1,500 military and civilian volunteers. Additionally, the USO Indo-Pacific Region supports deployed service members during US Joint and Combined Exercises in Australia, Indonesia, Palau, the Philippines, Thailand, and various locations in the Indo-Pacific theater. Under his guidance, the USO Indo-Pacific team strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation by delivering innovative programs, recreational activities, and entertainment enjoyed by over 1,000,000 forward-based and expeditionary military members and their families each year. Services include free satellite and cable television, Wi-Fi, telephone and video calls, numerous meal and community events, which bring “home” to those who serve overseas.
Mr. Maskery is a native of Bristol, Connecticut, earned a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force from The Citadel in May 1992, and entered active duty in February 1993. He served on active duty for over 28 years, holding various command and staff positions, and retired as a colonel in October 2021, with his last two assignments being the Commander, 374th Mission Support Group at Yokota Air Base, Japan and the Commander, Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) – Pacific Region, at Camp Foster, Okinawa. Scott and his wife, Jennifer, have two children, Elena and Paul.
His education includes: 1992: Bachelor of Science in Education - Physical Education, The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 1993: Basic Information Management Officer Course, Keesler AFB, MS 1997: Squadron Officers School, Maxwell AFB, AL, in residence 1999: Basic Personnel Officers Course, Keesler AFB, MS 2005: Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL, in residence 2009: Joint Professional Military Education-II, Norfolk Naval Base, Norfolk, VA, in residence 2010: Air War College, by correspondence.
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