Raleigh Smith Duttweiler

Raleigh Smith Duttweiler grew up in a military family, married into the military, and is now raising three military kids of her own. Her passion for supporting our military began when she interviewed her grandfather about his experience fighting in the Battle of the Bulge for a third-grade project. She was captivated by the way his military experience influenced her family's ongoing service and the power of storytelling to inspire others. A former reporter, Raleigh’s work has been featured on National Public Radio and in the New York Times, USA Today, Military.com, and others. Raleigh is Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at the National Military Family Association (NMFA), where she supports the partnerships, programs, communications, and research teams. She has served on the White Oak Steering Committee and as co-chair of the Communications Committee for The Military Coalition. A proud Barnard College alumna, Raleigh earned her M.S. and Ph.D. at Columbia University and lives in Cleveland, Ohio.