Darrel Utt

In February 2022, the President, and CEO of the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation selected Darrell Utt to be the Chief of Operations. This role requires exceptional talents in leadership, organizational structure, museum operations, synchronizing efforts across other mission areas, strategic business planning, and communication.
The Foundation Team is on a mission to inspire America, promoting the belief that everyone is born with the potential to be extraordinary. Darrell is the personication of this statement. From humble beginnings in West Virginia, Darrell overcame great odds by hard work and sacrice. From earning the coveted Ranger Tab and Green Beret, to leading teams in combat, to being a senior executive at the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation, he has always put country above self.
Darrell Utt was born in Huntington, West Virginia on 17 February 1972. Aer graduating from Vinson High School in 1990, Darrell joined the U.S. Army. While serving his country, Darrell earned his Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College in 2008. He later received a Master of Arts in Intelligence Studies, with Honors, from American Public University in 2013.
Master Sergeant Darrell Utt retired from the U.S. Army Special Forces in January of 2017. During his service, he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with ‘Valor’ for heroic actions and leadership during combat operations in Baghdad, Iraq in 2006. He was also awarded four (4) Bronze Star Medals for achievement and service in Iraq. As a Special Forces Team Sergeant, his Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) was recognized and awarded the 2006 Larry Thorne Award for best Operational Detachment in 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Darrell was also the Recipient of the Robert T. Frederick Award for military excellence – the only Special Forces Operations Team Sergeant from the seven (7) Special Forces Groups to be awarded this honor in 2007.
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