The Expo at World Market Center
This is NOT an athletic event and is for active duty, veterans, National Guard, and Reservists only - no civilians. The purpose is to bring veterans together for a few hours of commaraderie, fellowship, and networking. Breakfast is provided at step off. We'll stop at Hennessey's Tavern and the American Legion where lunch will be provided. Registration starts at 0800, step off is 0900, we'll be back by 1200.
Total distance is approx 4 miles. Attire is Silkies/Ranger Panties, boots, and a ruck but not required - wear what you're comfortable in. Military and patriotic flags are encouraged! Free hike tag and admission to MCON - we are limited to 50 participants .
*** This is a special, National Irreverent Warriors event in partnership with MCON in Las Vegas, not to be confused with the Las Vegas Silkies Hike scheduled for December 2nd.