General (Retired) Scott Miller

General (Retired) Austin “Scott” Miller assumed responsibilities as the Executive Chairman for PrairieFire in January 2023. Scott spent over 38 years in uniform, graduating from the United States Military Academy, West Point in 1983 and retiring from active duty in 2021. His career took him to the far reaches of conflict in complex geopolitical regions including the Indo-Pacific, Africa, Middle East, and South Asia.
Likely the most deployed leader throughout the Global War on Terror – from 2001 until 2021, he was one of the early Americans on the ground to commence the hunt for Usama Bin Laden and other high-value targets. Through the years he commanded multiple Special Operation Task Forces in combat throughout the Middle East and South Asia, culminating in his assignment as the final commander of NATO's Resolute Support Mission and United States Forces - Afghanistan from September 2, 2018, through July 12, 2021.
His awards include two awards of the coveted Combat Infantryman Badge, two Purple Hearts, the Silver Star and an unprecedented 20 Overseas Service Bars denoting more than ten full years in combat zones.
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