Marcus “OHLEY” Ohlenforst

Marcus Ohlenforst – better known as Ohley – currently serves as the Lead Military Talent Strategist responsible for USAAs enterprise Military Attraction Strategy in addition to managing and championing various strategic military talent programs and initiatives to ensure the company attracts world-class veteran and military spouse talent. He served 25 years in the Marine Corps both Enlisted and as an Officer and retired in 2016. His transition led him to some great organizations that connected him with people who invested their time and energy to ensure that he was successful, and he is committed to continuing to pay it forward within the military community.
In 2022, Ohley was selected as the GI Jobs Veteran Champion of the Year in Corporate America due to the extraordinary amount of effort that he exerts to inspire, educate, and advocate for the military community. This list recognized 30 veterans that exemplified determination, teamwork, advocacy of military hiring initiatives, devotion to mentorship, and servant leadership in their organizations and respective communities.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the University of Arizona and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology from Azusa University.
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